That’s how it always starts.
Not “hey, would you…” or “Baby, I need…”
No, no. It’s right here, RIGHT
So that’s my mindset as I sat in front of Laura’s
computer. The great thing about that is
where I find all the little things I was so convinced the Gremlins had taken
off my desk. Look, there’s my pen (which
coincentally may be the only actual ink pen in my house since we have kids) and
my ear buds, my ipod. The list goes on and
So I sat there reading, carefully guarding my pen which I held
in my lap and began to go through her post.
Yes, most of the stuff she writes is pretty spot on. But this article (BDSM) was probably more
than accurate. But as I read, not for
content, but for a single word. Can
anyone guess? I suppose every author has
a particular word they are in love with, and more often than not that word is
overused or flat out wrongly used. And
Laura’s word: strode. The word alone just doesn’t sound right. But you watch… Every damn thing she’s ever written has had
that word in it, and I’ve made it my life’s mission to seek it out and shoot it
But back to the the real reason I wrote this post. How does she come up with ideas? What is her particular slant? SLANT!
That’s the word. And now, my dear
followers, I’ll pass on to you what I’ve only just discovered…
READY? Her desk is …
(wait for it)… slanted.
I just realized
that her desk leans slightly to the left.
Okay, actually more than slightly.
My favorite pen won’t stay on it if you lay it down perpendicular to the
screen. And now, my dear readers,
mystery solved.